Why are women so mean to each other? We are so quick to hate each other based on who is skinny, who is fat, why they are wearing something or not wearing enough. We judge each other on how we talk, how often we smile or touch the arms of our male friends. She's so flirtatious. She's so flakey. She's so gossipy. She's a slut. She's a bitch. She's a c-u-next-tuesday.
We even talk about our friends. I told so-and-so that she has no business being with him. She just keeps going back. It's so pathetic. Or Don't tell so and and so I said this but she ordered a dress and it's wayyy too small. Or anything that sounds with Don't tell her I told you or Did you hear is pretty much guaranteed poison coming out from girls about girls. It's really sad and I'm totally guilty.
So I'm going to make a concerted effort to be better. To have sympathy for girls I would have previously judged. To remember that I was in a position to be judged once and it felt awful. And that judging other people is really just vocalizing what we don't like about ourselves indirectly.
I want to be a girl that supports girls. That understands that sometimes we are flashy, or bitchy, or slutty or loud and obnoxious because we're trying to satisfy a craving for attention or love where there wasn't any at some point. And that's sad not annoying. And we're not going to help each other by judging our inadequacies but rather supporting each other with love to be stronger through them.
Something about having daughters and watching them go through the same awkward girl moments that we all go through in school makes you want to do something different. I want to be known as a nice girl that's kind and loving so I can raise my daughters to be the same.
Because being nice is the ultimate sign of confidence. And confidence is loving yourself. And loving yourself lets you love others and be loved the right ways. So I'm going to do my part in spreading the love. Starting now.
Love it! Amen sister!