Today on the world wide web, I ran across this picture of US currency folded up to depict 9/11 events.
The caption to this picture read:
"Although it's difficult to accept, 9/11 was almost certainly an inside job. There is a ton of evidence available to support this being true. This includes the blatant placement of symbolism/ signs right in front of our eyes! Years ago I was shown that you could see the twin towers on fire if you folded a $20 bill right.. thought that was crazy, but this right here takes that to a whole different level! Starting with the lowest denomination and going up in numerical AND also sequence order....the $5 bill shows the twin towers, the $10 is after the planes hit them, the $20 shows the towers collapsing, the $50 is the dust and smoke from the rubble & the $100 is after the smoke has just about died down. I'm not trying to spread fear.. but rather awareness, we need to wake up! This is the time of the apocalypse... which is not doom and gloom, but in greek means a revelation of something hidden (revelations)"
I have started and restarted this sentence four times. I'm speechless. What are they insinuating? That in the 1800s the US Treasury started laying plans for an ultimate government conspiracy? And that to lay those plans they hired people to draw out designs for the dollar that could be folded in such a way that future government officials would stumble upon and understand their purpose? Or maybe it was an ancient scroll of folding how-to directions that was passed on president to president until the right moment. Then I found this:
You can even fold the $20 to say OSAMA!
Need even more proof?
9+11 = 20!
With just 2 more folds your $20 bill turns into a airplane!
What the whaaaaaat? So now our ancient US Treasury department was in cahoots with Osama's great great great great grandparents and they agreed to name their future great great great great grandson Osama so that their folding dollar bill prophecies could come true.
I AM SHAKING MY HEAD. The people that come up with this stuff need a smack in the face and a new life. I can just imagine the nerd that was hunched over his money, feverishly folding and refolding his dollars until he found the signs he was looking for. It just is so ridiculous that I can't spend another minute talking about it.
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